How do soil moisture sensors work?

May 1, 2023

How do soil moisture sensors work?

A short and simple overview of the technologies available today.

Soil moisture sensors are instrumental in providing farmers with crucial information about the moisture content in the soil. By measuring soil moisture levels, these sensors help farmers determine when and how much to irrigate their crops, ensuring optimal water usage and promoting healthier plant growth. Here's an explanation of how soil moisture sensors work.

Sensor Types

There are various types of soil moisture sensors available, each utilizing different technologies to measure soil moisture content. The most common types include:

  a. Tensiometers: Tensiometers measure soil moisture based on the tension or suction force required to extract water from the soil. They consist of a tube filled with water and a porous ceramic cup at the end. As soil moisture decreases, water is drawn out of the tensiometer, and the resulting tension is measured.

  b. Capacitance Sensors: Capacitance sensors determine soil moisture by measuring the electrical capacitance of the soil. These sensors have two electrodes inserted into the soil, and the moisture content affects the electrical properties between the electrodes.

  c. Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) Sensors: TDR sensors measure soil moisture by transmitting electrical pulses through the soil and analyzing the time it takes for the pulses to reflect back. The reflected pulse is influenced by the dielectric constant of the soil, which is affected by soil moisture content.

  d. Gypsum Block Sensors: Gypsum block sensors consist of a porous block made of gypsum that absorbs moisture from the soil. As the moisture content changes, the electrical resistance of the block is measured, providing an indication of soil moisture levels.


Soil moisture sensors are typically installed at various depths within the soil, depending on the specific crop's root zone. Multiple sensors can be placed at different depths to capture moisture variations throughout the soil profile. The sensors are securely inserted into the soil using probes or augers, ensuring good contact between the sensor and the surrounding soil.

Measurement and Data Collection

Once installed, soil moisture sensors continuously monitor the moisture content in the soil. They provide (near) real-time measurements or periodic readings, depending on the sensor type and the system used. The data collected by the sensors can be logged internally within the sensor itself or transmitted wirelessly to a central data collection system for further analysis, this depending on the sensor brand being used.

Calibration and Interpretation

To ensure accurate measurements, soil moisture sensors often require calibration specific to the soil type and sensor technology being used. Calibration involves comparing the sensor readings to actual soil moisture measurements obtained through other methods, such as gravimetric sampling or laboratory analysis. This process helps establish a relationship between the sensor readings and the actual soil moisture content.

Farmers can interpret the sensor readings and use the data to make informed irrigation decisions. They can set threshold values based on crop-specific requirements, triggering irrigation when the soil moisture drops below a certain level or adjusting irrigation schedules based on the moisture trends observed over time.

In summary, soil moisture sensors use various technologies to measure the moisture content in the soil. They provide valuable real-time or periodic data that farmers can utilize to optimize irrigation practices and ensure efficient water usage for healthy crop growth.

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